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Why Be Racist T.T

Pimp stil insist on hitting me n zura because were stpid gooks and i gues hes right wer just a bunch or rice eating n00bs.

regardless merry xmas from SIA!!! (zura) :oops:

1/2 10:03pm Pimp HI $110,633 [View]
1/2 10:03pm Pimp HI $95,692 [View]
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1/2 9:53pm Pimp HI $5,037,595 [View]
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1/2 9:51pm Pimp HI $9,287,733 [View]
1/2 9:51pm Pimp HI $13,023,233 [View]
1/2 9:51pm Pimp HI $17,067,136 [View]
1/2 9:50pm Pimp HI $16,304,654 [View]

good job! :!: :!: :!:

wonder why he even called us gooks.. we're not even viets -.-'

romeo would be a keling

me, chinese? would be chink

hmm japanese jap pinoy flip and so on

gook is so viet. -.-

mSzura Wrote:romeo would be a keling

ROFL :lol:

I am not sure where you got that from, but I haven’t talked to anyone on here in about 2 weeks so I dunno. Regardless I really would care less. I just don’t know why you think you’re a badass, because you can HI. If you want to prove something, come here to Michigan and deal with it in person. Otherwise your making yourself look retarded being a tough guy over internet.

What I think is funny about all this, is someone had to make up a story about me being racist just so their little buddy’s would HI me. Hahah I never even heard of a “gook”. Why would I insist of hitting someone with 2,500 HIs when I have like 200? Why would you call me racists when one of my best friends is Asian? Must of been akika_fujiSawa who made up the story. All these rumors and shit talking reminds me of high school. Dam you people need to grow up!!

i thought gooks were korean?
SpamaticS - Slick

well from all the movies I have seen they are vietnamese no? but the point is any racial slurs should be an IMMEDIATE ban from the game. The hate mail and all is funny but the racism just pisses me off. What the hell difference does a persons race or sex have to do with anything least of all an internet text game?

Just my two-cents worth here, but make sure before you go off banning people from the forums or the games that you know for sure that they really did make the comments they are accused of.

It is far too easy for people to exagerate comments or put them into their own words as they relay a conversation to someone else. More often than not, the original comment wasn't even close to what the 3rd or 4th person on the list hears.

As for people needing to grow up... now that is a comment I can completely agree with... I know that there are a lot of younger people that play this game, but I've known 12 year olds that act more mature than a lot of "grown ups" that I have encountered here in this game.

I know it is easy to talk shit on the internet when you have the safety of no one knowing who you really are, but for the love of God, people, let's all try to get along and act our ages for just one full session of the game. (come to think of it, that might just take a miracle to manage)
[Image: Rain1.jpg]

Well, when I asked why would you make up something saying I am raciest, he replies
From: akika_fujiSawa Date: Jan 3, 06 - 10:04AM Delete Reply
4 being a stupid bitch ths is wat happends huahuahua

The kid cant even spell.
I just don’t understand why he would do that, I don’t even talk to ajukama_fuSkmaws. And as far as getting hi’d 30 times. It don’t bother me, I play mc about 5 minutes a day, I have better things to do with my time. Game can be fun, used to be fun. But now its ran by bunch of kids/Singapores who think they are awesome because they can home invade. These people don’t know what its like outside the computer. I have nothing else to say, just writing this is a waste of time. All I ask is for a screen shot of me calling you people gooks or whatever. Either way I doubt you will see me much.

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