
Poll: Should the way Top Crew is decided be changed?
Yeah it's fine, always been this way why change it?
Top Crew is currently about who can make the most helper crews and has nothing to do with who is actually the best, change it.
Who cares, stop rocking the boat.
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Been there done that, gonna do it again.

Ok time to get your opinions on the whole crew thing. I know some that like the current way (read those that are in a top crew) and those that hate it (those that don't have 200 friends making helper crews) So vote away people. Give your opinions for or against the status quo, if you want it changed, give a way to change it to make it more fair.

calder12 Wrote:Ok time to get your opinions on the whole crew thing. I know some that like the current way (read those that are in a top crew) and those that hate it (those that don't have 200 friends making helper crews) So vote away people. Give your opinions for or against the status quo, if you want it changed, give a way to change it to make it more fair.

I definatly want change lol its too easy to make a top spot if you have a helper crew with you lol but its not so easy if you dnt and try to race there make it more competitive like what has been discussed on This topic



stop rocking the boat

i think theres should be a little change atlest
the way that the crews(in general) are done have been aorund for over 2 years and there has been no change what-so-ever
just check the "news" page on the from page of mc

v1.3 has the following changes:

10) Crew Battle added:
.Crews can now own and operate their own crew car
.Crews make money by raising their SR (Sponsorship Rating) and winning races at the Crew Battles
.Raise your crews SR by winning Crew Battles
.Crew leaders are in charge of the crew car and challenging/accepting Crew Battles against other Crews
.Crews must have a minimum of 10 crew members to participate in the Crew Battles
.The average skill level of all the crew members will determine what vehicle the crew can purchase from the Dealership
.Cars and parts removed from the car are of no value and are not retained in an "inventory". They are gone once removed from your Crew Garage.
.Crew Battles do not require fuel/nitrous
[Image: club.gif]

no offense Rick..
this has been how top crews have been for a long time now..
stop trying to change it!!! :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

Stop trying to change it? That's a stupid thing to say... the whole game evloves and changes each session... somethings change to make it more fair and more fun, others change just to make the game more interesting... why should the Top Crew and crew racing system remain the same till the end of time?

Make the changes, make it fun again to be in a crew... make being top crew mean something other than just "they group with the most helpers".

I've made suggestions on how to change it for the better, I won't repeat myself in here again.
[Image: Rain1.jpg]

Teh_Piss_Pan Wrote:no offense Rick..
this has been how top crews have been for a long time now..
stop trying to change it!!! :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:

Things that never changed for a long time:

1. Black people were slaves.
2. Women were posessions.
3. People thought the world was flat.
4. Scientific research was considered heresy and you could be killed or imprisoned for it.

Now don't get me wrong here people I am not a fool and no this game in no way compares to the things in that list, I am just making a point here.

Just because something has not changed for a long time does not make it right!

The first person that makes a comment about one of those things in the list being ok will be banned without another warning. Try me if you think I'm kidding

Rick O_o calm Confusedhock:
When I Fall Asleep You're All That I See, I Wish I Could Be All That You Mean To Me, My Angel Without Wings Smile

Rakim I love you <3

calm? not upset, just no some dumbass would come in here and say blacks should still be slaves or women posessions. And I get sick of the ONLY people that like the system are the ones that take advantage of it. I think the poll is starting to speak for itself.

calder12 Wrote:calm? not upset, just no some dumbass would come in here and say blacks should still be slaves or women posessions. And I get sick of the ONLY people that like the system are the ones that take advantage of it. I think the poll is starting to speak for itself.

touche Wink

panda scared some change would make you pwn less? psh.

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