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What does it mean to be a VET?

I agree and what is Funny People I consider "vet's" Newer players wont simply because they dont play at all or not as much anymore. (btw hope you find a job in seattle jay...son.. you know you will be back in Alaska sooner or later...lol)

sry its a lil off topic ...but man i wanna go to alaska it the the name of it sounds mint ... ALASKA ...ALASKA ... ...say it with me ..
One Of Midnites Forum Mod Team......Black__Metal ™©



:? :?

your a vet when you can snatch 43 and a half cookies and not get caught

take that little debbie~!!!!
*insert signature here*

vet is someone who spends too much time in doors on the PCand persist in playin the same game over and over.

bObscure Wrote:
romeo Wrote:i like looking after sick animals :oops:
romeo Wrote:i must attent to some pussy's now

Confusedhock: Dayum, man - you better double up on the latex.

that would decrease the effectiveness :wink:

to me a vet is somebody t hat has made themselves something to remember, no matter if they won or not, if they are remberable after they are gone, thats considered a vet to me
[ron white]BuUuUlLlLl SsHhIiIiItTtTt[/ron white]

modogg85 Wrote:take booseter for example. he is a vet, been around playing with me in gold for years. yet some people wonder who the hell he is. Some people like to show off there skill and there knowledge and get there name out there, other people are not as loud and they just sit back and chill.

Yeah man.. Mr boost is a Vet in my eyes.. But so am so many others..
I dont care if anyone has medals ribbons and anything like that.
A vet is a friend.. Noone can really say who´s a Vet or not..

Some people are just newbies with B I G pockets, that dont really care about money..

no!ze Wrote:vet is someone who spends too much time in doors on the PCand persist in playin the same game over and over.

yes and the people that say "vet is someone who spends too much time in doors on the PCand persist in playin the same game over and over."

usually suck at the game so they make statements like above :roll:

SOOOOOO True!! Tongue
Big Grin

One entry found for veteran.

Main Entry: vet·er·an
Pronunciation: 've-t&-r&n, 've-tr&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin veteranus, from veteranus, adjective, old, of long experience, from veter-, vetus old -- more at WETHER
1 a : an old soldier of long service b : a former member of the armed forces
2 : a person of long experience in some occupation or skill (as politics or the arts)
- veteran adjective
3 : One who is not a noob.

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