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Test'n Tune

Hey any suggestions for this. I'm still not quite sure on how to take advantage of the test'n tune option although i read the helper thing.

basically go through it one box at a time... start at the topbox... first mark down your original 60ft time then go up or down 2 in that box... so if tire pressure is 22 when you started go to 24 and then hit go and see what your 60 ft time is after ...if it goes down keep going up by two.... marking your 60ft time every time... untill the 60ft time rises then fiddle with the number closest to that. untill you feel you have it quite right... do this with every box and you will be sweet :grin:

Well what i do is go one box at a time.
You can save credits and go 2 numbers at a time or like me just go by 1.

So yeah keep an eye on the 60ft time.

if you increase the number and its slower you know you have to decrease it.

if it still makes it slower then just leave it, that's probably the fastest you can go.


nope do it like Ralph said but to make it easier to follow I'll give examples

1. make a run and write down the 60ft let's say it's 1.751 and your front tire pressure is 36

2. change it to 38 and check the 60ft. ok now it's 1.734 so change it to 40 (if it was slower go to 34) and make another run.

3. so let's say the 3rd run made your 60ft 1.742 now you wanna check it by 1's you know that the 40 run was slower than the 38 so now you wanna try 37 and 39 this will tell you which is the fastest (optimal setting) If you try 37 first and it is quicker than the 38 setting leave it, if not try 39 again if it is quicker leave it, if not go back to 38.

4. Do this for the first 4 settings, leave the camber at 0 and you're good to go.

Thank you... forgot to mention the bit about camber Big Grin

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