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MC Prison

Build a car to have it stolen when you log off. Yep best of both worlds.

Not really i buy a honda civic ...get in it ...sell it...then im nin no car...lol...

Quote:nahh. lets keep it a racing game :crazy:

Your so fukin FUNNY, MC a racing game. What planet are you from? MC has always been about stealing.

True. The game has always been about stealing, but when Midnite Challenge first started there was only a few who could actually accomplish a successful theft. The majority of people played this game for the racing aspect of the game, and since nobody was stealing cars back then, it was more fun for the racers.

When I first learned how to steal, I told my dad the numbers we tested numerous number that we got from a couple guys that were decent. The number to use when the game first started was 101/102, 102/104, and 100/150. If you wanted to steal a car we were using 106/108. The game was way more fun back then. It took some actual stategy to come away with a win in anything. The Crew Battles were more intense, and way more fun. There wasn't any reason to dislike anyone, but when the game was being played it was pretty much "Every man for himself".

Times have changed.. Sad

i agree with ya matt"btw how ya been" wtf that guy talking about. as far as i can remember its been about stealing. u may race yea but ur [censored] gonna get stolen so stealing over rules. and when u work up high it just gets stolen so ur not getting anywere.

you arent getting anywhere with HIing either as you see no one is getting past 700 million

its basically all the same...weather you choose to work or HI
All I need is One Mic.

yea ur right. well i think its alot more fun hiing. but one thing u dun see but it use to happen was the hiers would hit people and then race the money to some one to get them higher to win. so it basiclly was the workers doing all the hard part keeping good ratio and working and hten to just get it stolen then raced toi some one or other accounts to hold for later use.

i dont think that would be very gud, wen ur tryin to get ur attempts up and all. HI is one of the best parts of the game
InGaMe NaMe : bLiNk

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