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Quote:we have bout ten crew members that can pull in 100cms a day....
lets just say that it actually IS possible to get 100 Cms/day..
100 Cms.. 1 per event = 400 minutes = 8 hrs
thats only if u win EVERY RACE.. u dont get a Cm EVERY EVENT either.. so like.. 12 hrs of straight racing EVERY DAY.. nah man..
stop BSing urself..

Unless I'm seriously mistaken 400 minutes is 6 hrs 40 min not 8 hours.
**Space for sale**

im sure your right...always correctin a nigga man

8 hours of racing is still a long ass time to be online
SpamaticS - Slick

100 CMs per day is attainable with the right circumstances. Would I want to try for it? Good lord no! I've got much better things to do then sit on that game for that long....like post up in here. lol
**Space for sale**

man i remember the day you were rolling cms in like a champ. dont sit there saying you dont want to. you do less at work then i do (i do damn near nothing). and you know we can do 8 hours of racing easy
SpamaticS - Slick

You need to stop saying that. I do a ton of work, but I just multi-task better. I work hard in 4 minute increments. :p
**Space for sale**

lol man i just wish i had a comp at work..them days are long when u got nothing to do.. :mad:

4 minute man lmao
SpamaticS - Slick

Just at work...let's get this straight one-pump chump. Wink
**Space for sale**

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