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We are looking for 2 dedicated racers that can pull in 30-40 cms a day easily we already have two so we need two more

we have bout ten crew members that can pull in 100cms a day....

Quote:we have bout ten crew members that can pull in 100cms a day....

Why do you lie to him? Does you members have lots of multis then or what?

-//- ZendeR -//-

Quote:we have bout ten crew members that can pull in 100cms a day....
lets just say that it actually IS possible to get 100 Cms/day..
100 Cms.. 1 per event = 400 minutes = 8 hrs
thats only if u win EVERY RACE.. u dont get a Cm EVERY EVENT either.. so like.. 12 hrs of straight racing EVERY DAY.. nah man..
stop BSing urself..
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

LOL!! Tell me about it. 100 CM's per day. I raced my ass off many days in a row, and was able to average around 35 CM's per day, and it wasn't easy to do either... We need a *Roll eyes* smiley for this claim...
Noob, what Noob...

me thinks u guys miss read abit..but i could be wrong..the way i see it is..he saying that he has 10members that can pull in 100cmz aday between them not 100cms each? but like i said i could be wrong.. :confused:

i gotta go with tana...i dont think each person can pull in 100 cms each Cool

good luck thats all imma say

same here... Cool

to me it looks like he has 2 racers and is looking for 2 more....so a 4 man crew
SpamaticS - Slick

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