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ipod nano help..

Hey guys..Anyone here have an ipod nano?..If so, Care to help?

First off, my screen on it broke, I cant see a single thing on it, but the music DOES still play, I plan on buying a new replacement screen for it, but until then..I wanna be able to listen to the song I want without having to try to find the "all songs" list..

Can anyone tell me how I can go all the way back to the main page, and lead me through it on how to get to the all songs..

The clicker sound IS on, so I can tell how many times I go down and what not..

I hope you know what I mean..

Thanks alot..

Confusedhock: question tho.. how did u break the screen ? and there is no way to help u because everyones ipod may start in a diff place.. like ur ipod mite already take u to songs.. or a certain play list.. there is no way of tellin. sorry man..
Really Tho.. This Thing Your Reading Is Just My Sig..

Click the top button 4/5 times. Then go ahead once, once again then once again, hey presto off the top of my head, you now have the all songs option

soz if im wrong, just to lazy to go lookin for mine

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