Kiro your a childish loser! all though i probably hate you less now then i used to, that doesnt make you any better, im just more tolerant and theres bigger fuck wits around to worry about,.. See below
Crazyfrog, your also a childsh loser, except your full of shit. trying to back up your lies with, "I spoke to ray and he said" grow some balls, be a fucking man about shit.
Casper Get some skill. that both MC skill, and enough skill to multi and not make it obvious.
Kelly/summit my crew destoried you in our "battle" Respect.
Jess(correction)/ILV2XLR8. Hard the fuck up, oh stop fighting guy cut it out. Boo fucking Whooo
Agent___X if you were really anyone you wouldnt need 3 threads saying u were back, people would recognise
Crazyfrog, your also a childsh loser, except your full of shit. trying to back up your lies with, "I spoke to ray and he said" grow some balls, be a fucking man about shit.
Casper Get some skill. that both MC skill, and enough skill to multi and not make it obvious.
Kelly/summit my crew destoried you in our "battle" Respect.
Jess(correction)/ILV2XLR8. Hard the fuck up, oh stop fighting guy cut it out. Boo fucking Whooo
Agent___X if you were really anyone you wouldnt need 3 threads saying u were back, people would recognise
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