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New Company Name

As a few of you may have noticed on the CI Twitter Page,Ray and Cres are looking for a NEW company name for a NEW company.As it says on Twitter it has to be non-cheesy and of course good..something like "C-Speed" which is there other.So,Ray has given me permission to do a thread on the MC and TS Forums for everyone to come up with ONLY ONE idea for a name per forum account.The best 3 from each of the forums Ray will pick,then i will post those 6 on the TS and MC forums for the community to vote which is the best.

Prizes:Just so more of you will think hard..There will be a credit prize for MC or TS for every1 who gets into the top 6 ideas..And maybe about 1,000 creds for everyone who puts an idea forward.

Edit: Posting more than 1 idea or flaming or posting other than for your idea and you will be disqualified.
[Image: 53369.png]

I am teh Fail Frcg Big Grin

Any info on the new company or what they plan to do with it? Knowing a bit about what the new company will do will help generate ideas for the company name.

OK,I'll see what else Ray wants to Say,Don't post any ideas yet please Smile
[Image: 53369.png]

I am teh Fail Frcg Big Grin

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