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sick of being bisband

how bout put something in where if you are to be kicked off a crew there is a backup password for each racer, and the leader saves that to his notepad and in order to boot that person he/she has to put in that password.

From: iloveblackmen Date: Dec 31, 70 - 04:33PM Delete Reply
The leader of your crew has just removed you from the crew

why is the date like this? ray, are you able to find out who was on his name at that time by IP?
ill bring you hell

It's a flaw within the players themselves. Ray shouldn't need to fix it, people should stop giving out passwords and playing multis.

I'm in your crew so I know exactly how you feel, but really, he shouldn't have gave his PW to whomever did it. I'm sure you could narrow it down based on crew member chat prior to the incident and who's names got changed in game though.

Yeah, people need to stop bitching about getting burnt. It's your own damn fault.
Miss Kelly

i never gave any 1 my password and i got kicked off, we should still be able to keep the crew models the we erned even if you get kicked off a crew
ill bring you hell

if you give out your password you will not be helped anymore ray made it clear KEEP YOUR PASSWORDS TO YOURSELVES. you cant be burnt if you do.

if you get kicked off a crew, you lose ur crew models thats messed up. i worked my ass off and only to lose it all. how would you like it if on ur only day off you played mc for about 8 hours and you lose what you earned for no reason. crew models should stay with you the entire time. ur the pimp of those models and they should follow you everywhere.
ill bring you hell

this is how I view it. One your crew leader was not that much of a leader for even having the opportunity to have that happen to you. Second you made a bad decision being in a crew with someone that can not be trusted. You should learn from this and just move on.
[Image: 30.png]

The ole wise Mike. So philosophical sometimes Wink
Connor: Now Roc... are you sure that you're obee-kaybee?

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