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jsut tried it

the max it goes to is 4450

no possible way to make 4700 ray has just confirmed this.

so what does that mean? and where is your icon for winning last session?

is ray on to confirm it? Sad

No conratulations... Only bitching. Sad

the browser have nothing to do with the way mc works...

no offence but we're not stupid...
When I Fall Asleep You're All That I See, I Wish I Could Be All That You Mean To Me, My Angel Without Wings Smile

Rakim I love you <3

Speak for yourself Jason :?

hey all..

take no offense to this statement anyone. i don;t know if he really abused/cheated blah blah blah.. its funny when a EX/Fellow cheater calls another person a cheater, publicly.. kinda weird.

True Story.

hey no offence taken rh,

i am a proud ex cheater and never defended myself when it was known i abused a bug to obtain a prize,

and im not calling any one a cheater anyway, im curious as to know how safari helps him gain 4700 im's when like monte said browser doesnt effect anything in that regard.

any one who has a porshe boxter S with 835pf, go try it and see what u can max out, he managed 4700 non stop, can u?

this is just a general discussion on cruise tactics to help new players understand how it all works.

zomgzz is a highly skilled player and seems to be the only person in mc to be able to do it.

you asked how i could get from 0 to max ims in a second. i told ya... safari. that ws the answer to that.

and as for 4700 im's try the gt3... 848 max PF, and btw, boxter has 836, not 835

No conratulations... Only bitching. Sad

You had an SR7... it has crap PF...

you had a bugged car in your garage... as stated I know you can switch fast cruise and switch back in less then a second... you even said safari lets you spam.. ie no lag = no waiting for a result before resubmitting...

I used to make HI macros like that... the split second somebody logged on they got 10k credits in less then a second spammed on them and I raped them...

I would still like to see you do that.. right now...
When I Fall Asleep You're All That I See, I Wish I Could Be All That You Mean To Me, My Angel Without Wings Smile

Rakim I love you <3

if i had creds to waste. maybe?

No conratulations... Only bitching. Sad


jason hes still trying.

firstly correct he was in an SR7 with less then 800 PF.

and even with 848 in a GT3 the max is 4450, people who have been playing this game far longer then you and are much better then you know this.

sht how you save up some credits n show us how its done? and im still wondering why u dont have ur icon for winning last session, since u did it legit.

jason can u cruise to 4700?

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