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Here U All Go

still waiting on those convos the second i c them i will apologize to dyna if u are telling the truth
First there was two sets of footprints in the sand Then there was one set of footprints in the sand When times get hard and shit hits the fan God don't walk with me, he carry me man

hahaha i like how i get brought into this "multi cycling" when i never did such a thing, and please PLEASE roemo show me ur screen shots that show me ACCEPTING and SENDING races, ohh ur goin to say i raced the same people over after then 12min were over? guess wht they were on and i Pm'd them to keep racing, ask ido cuz he was on his account racing me, dont say it was me...and I DIDNT get banned for MULTIS..AND PLEASE romeo a MACRO is NOT a bot, i would think the king of cheaters would know atleast that much eh?

PS: why dont u go complain to ray again eh? i dunno i mite be running a BOT on the forums :lol:

harrr harrrr harrrrrrrr @ bot on forums :lol:

i know about cheating..
macros isn't a bot..
two different things, truthfully, i have both a macros and a both on my computer..
i use the bot for TS, and i dont really use the macros for anything..
i thought about using it to tune up my car for MC, but meh.. i cbf doing it..

i wake up in teh morning.. HIed 5 times, cars @ 70% reliability, i dont care, its MC.. nothing to worry about Smile
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

Romeo..You say so many poeple have forgotten about the whole burning poontang?
VeeHeng and I have not even BEGUN to think about forgetting it! I know i did something wrong!
(I told yerbs my pw thinking i'd get into nsx)(i didnt)(i was banned)
You are 100% wrong that pk has forgotten about it! I AM SURE AND DAMN well positive that Mike has not forgotten either..He was banned..He came back and spent his ass to find another 600cms gone! Just to show that people have NOT began to forget about it! You think that burning for you is OVER..Im most likely positive its not over for you!

So dont sit there and say that we have forgot about it coz we havent..We had 10x's the better racers than NSX had...(no offense new btp members) but we would have beaten you fair and sqaure...
Just like BTP wants to do this session but i dont think we can BEAT you fair and sqaure because of ur burning!


[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

BLuRRy_FaST_SpEEd Wrote:Romeo..You say so many poeple have forgotten about the whole burning poontang?
VeeHeng and I have not even BEGUN to think about forgetting it! I know i did something wrong!
(I told yerbs my pw thinking i'd get into nsx)(i didnt)(i was banned)
You are 100% wrong that pk has forgotten about it! I AM SURE AND DAMN well positive that Mike has not forgotten either..He was banned..He came back and spent his ass to find another 600cms gone! Just to show that people have NOT began to forget about it! You think that burning for you is OVER..Im most likely positive its not over for you!

So dont sit there and say that we have forgot about it coz we havent..We had 10x's the better racers than NSX had...(no offense new btp members) but we would have beaten you fair and sqaure...
Just like BTP wants to do this session but i dont think we can BEAT you fair and sqaure because of ur burning!

hey man, i've forgiven him for what he has done. I'm cool wif romeo now. U guys should learn to forgive. Every1 in this world make mistakes. It's ur fault Blurry for not listening to my advised, so plz don't blame others.

alrite guys...this convo is over...everyone has done shit in the past that they are not proud of...but the key word is PAST...so everyone get over this shit and lets jus get on with the game...no sense in blaming who ever did what in the past cuz now there is nothing we can do about it...jus get over it and move on...jus like vee said...jus forgive peeps...

I remeber the round PK got burned we had 1500 cms just over 1500 about 1540 then all of a sudden we went down to like 800 or so
mecca :postwhore:

wow....did i just walk onto an all girls school yard?

as far as the burning thingy...im not down with that at all. those that know me know this. I have never asked to burn any crew
SpamaticS - Slick

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