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There ya go

jsut wait till this happens. AAnd all you people bitch and complain bout level 18...umm atleast you know level 19, 20, and 21 are around the corner...By my calculations there is another 8 million in EXp till you reach level 22...do the math yourself.

Skill Level: 21
EXP: 3,444,403 (22.06%)
[Image: 30.png]

Quote:jsut wait till this happens. AAnd all you people bitch and complain bout level 18...umm atleast you know level 19, 20, and 21 are around the corner...By my calculations there is another 8 million in EXp till you reach level 22...do the math yourself.

Skill Level: 21
EXP: 3,444,403 (22.06%)

yep its soooooo slow lol been stuck on it since the start lol

Skill Level: 21
EXP: 4,241,763 (28.58%)
Guess Who?

since my EXP still hasn't been fixxed.. i gave up on racing for the round..
Skill Level: 20
EXP: 466,708 (9.44%)
Home Invasions: 16
will just hop oinline.. send out crew races.. HI some ppl.. and get off now..
thanks for fixing my EXP!
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

14,841,718 exp, if my math is right
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bscar is your math maybe right. What I calculated was 10K in EXP equaled 0.01% of EXP. which ment 11 million till you reached 100% of the level. but with 10K being 0.01% it could be 0.007% or so. So yeah around there
[Image: 30.png]

u think you'll get to lvl 22?

If my math is right, which I think it is lol :p, lvl 22 would be 12,226,106 exp...

Damn thats a shitload of exp =P

4,241,763 (28.58%)

I just divided 4231763 by .2858 Its how I figure my PR when I'm not 100%
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wrong, because then you are also calculating the exp that was before the lvl... which was 700k or w/e...

the number u used, substract the exp rhs gave for lvl 21, then multiply. voila Smile

4,241,763/0.2858 = 14841717.984604618614415675297411
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