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first one to!

Quote:again there u go with the homosexual jokes ... layoff of them there not kool
and yeh u are whoring and im glad im not the only one that noticed it.. y hasnt anyone reall posted in the "first one to" thread expect for u and barley anyothers?
If ur giving free cars im sure peeps would come a post and say i wanted a car, but there not so please just stop

u and spinner can be used in the same sentence.. u both cheated, excpet u got caught, u both wanted the win, but u got it .. congrats, u guys r friends, just like a month 1/2 ago yall were kool, trying to bring glynn down from hitting spinner
what happend to the best of friends?
Spinner is a back stabbing whore.. noone likes him.. last round i was "playing him".. i knew he wanted to HI me down all round.. i wasn't a retard..
and Yes.. the MAIN REASON i helped Spinner was because my friend Mike (Modogg85) asked me to..
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

my dads had about 15 sergerys on his nkees alone and another 5 on his back and he can go paly hockey i tihnk yuo choose to sit on ur ass all day
mecca :postwhore:

if u knew half the [censored] i've been through.. then u'd know why i sit on my ass all day.. until i have my next knee surgury.. it hurts to walk..
i cant walk around a huge ass school all fucken day.. then come home and work for 5-8 hrs.. then come home and do homework.. it wont happen..
i'll be doing all the [censored] a normal teenager does after i have my next knee surgury..
the same concept is for you and getting removed from Mod Kyle..
u tellin ppl to stfu if they dont know the reasons behind you getting de-modded..
u dont know the reasons i sit on my ass all day..
so dude.. jus shut up.. and i will not leave..
and speaking of leaving.. i couldda SWORN u sed u was leaving.. wtf happened to that?
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

Interesting topic that you have just brought up Dan,
Can someone please explain to me how Mecca Bitch lost his Moderator Title?
And can someone please tell me why Mecca can get away with in-appropriate flaming all the time, yet I did it just a hand full of times and got banned?
*Looks at Monte*

i dont know why he is not a mod anymore but i got banned for talking in one of panda's threads that was about me
panda asked that i did not get banned so i could talk about what happend but i still got banned
then he got mad and banned about 5 other accounts cause i got on and flamed him
"Whats the ultimate rejection?... Wen you are masturbating and you hand falls a sleep"

90teg2 says:
and if i cant eat it i dont want it!!

So my prediction was right, Mecca Bitch got headstong and abused his moderator powers.
Look out nostradamus, Theres a new man in town.

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