02-22-2010, 10:16 AM
JavaScript - http://www.midnitechallenge.com/home.php
Inline script thread
name: ReferenceError
message: Statement on line 2: Undefined variable: $
stacktrace: n/a; see opera:config#UserPrefs|Exceptions Have Stacktrace
This is what i get when i click on live chat using Opera..I have to use IE atm to use live chat..and also my Dyno isnt showing up...Any ideas would be appreciated
Inline script thread
name: ReferenceError
message: Statement on line 2: Undefined variable: $
stacktrace: n/a; see opera:config#UserPrefs|Exceptions Have Stacktrace
This is what i get when i click on live chat using Opera..I have to use IE atm to use live chat..and also my Dyno isnt showing up...Any ideas would be appreciated
I am teh Fail Frcg