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Cya Everyone....

hey everyone hmm ive decided to leave this game to much speculation as such and other crap.

please if u gona flame me save it for another post because this isnt the place todo it.

i just wanna say thanx to these people.... n sorry if i forgoet u srsly.

GIJOE - first and for most, the guy who went out of his way to teach some stupid noob how to play this game, u really didnt need to help me so much but u did and im ever so grateful as to how good i became all thx to u.

Slick (ross) - uncle uncle, the 2nd person who taught me so much about this game always calling ur self a humble n00b -_- thx for inviting me as part of nsx n the fact u bin there to help me with nsx and my personal life wont forget it uncle.

Spiderman - you being the 2nd person to help me wen i jsut started silence n u put ur trust in me and always giving me great advice on life, keep it uncle and much love to your family.

bobscure - haha my insane home invading frend. thx for sticking by me from there first days as well ur a great player n always will be i only wish i could have got u a top crew ribbon for all ur work.

Blackmetal - sorry to hear wat TD did buddy this is how some crew werks i guess ustve had some reasoning behind it but ah well. thx for all ur help wen i needed it hope all goes well with this game for u in future.

Sg-tan - i shouldnthave to right this wen i can just see u n tell u but w/e lol ur a good racer and a good person lol...... thx for everything n il see u soon lol

zura - cos ur a cool person u have helped me in the game in jsut about no way watso ever lol but with other aspects of life u have, hmmm if u in m'sia next month il buy u coffee. cya.

BEST RACERS - Pet ur insane n thx for ur help il always comeon to help u just call. MATT WINN ur an idiot but u crack me up so bad and ur another insane racer. sgtan best racer alive. eli (sil80) crazy low nw racer.

seth (sjgrox2x) - thx for all ur boosting help n i hope i helped u out during our conversations on msn.

kevin spacey - for being first person along time ago to teach me how to home invade.

Jesse_james - for putting in to much har work back in the day for silence and once agen ims orry i coudlnt get u that blue ribbon this sesh but il always be around if u need help.

joedabooger - ur stupid names n passwords never fail to amaze me lol ur a good kid and a good racer always happy to race along side u.

sorry to those i missd out. T.T

take care all

much love!

take care man and stay out of trouble!!

im not on mc much anymore myself, just hollur at me on msn yeh =P

you halfwit, lol

haha spiderman.... i bet ur crying in ur trailer right now... jsut chew some straw n mack some ofur cusins lol itl all be good.

zura u take to long to reply to always away -_-

g/l with what ever u do...i'm sure you will be back,like everyone else :p

haha cheers buddy yer il be back just not for a long long time hope to see my frends still around

Rom3o,cheers 4 EVERYTHING u taught me about this game and i hope one day i can live up to your name and become as high standard in everything as u have,stay safe man and make sure u keep in touch,Peace bro Sad
One Of Midnites Forum Mod Team......Black__Metal ™©

sup black used to me one of my closest mc frends

u went ur seperate way but il still be around if u ever need help for w/e

Yea bro going that way [censored] me round so much will never hapn again,Cheers man good to knw u will still be around,u still going to cruz the forums every once in a while dude ?
One Of Midnites Forum Mod Team......Black__Metal ™©

Sad to hear you're going Sad
Good luck with whatever you're gonna do

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