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LOST 1205 CMZ maybe a bug?


May 18, 2008 7:51pm Your Import Models sold 1,145,166,187 calendars, which made you $5,725,830,935.

May 19, 2008 1:47pm Your Import Models sold 867,517,370 calendars, which made you $4,337,586,850.
May 19, 2008 2:20pm Your Import Models sold 1,030,678,770 calendars, which made you $5,153,393,850.

May 19, 2008 2:41pm Your Import Models sold 1,021,583,684 calendars, which made you $5,107,918,420.

May 19, 2008 2:57pm Your Import Models sold 944,739,219 calendars, which made you $4,723,696,095.
May 19, 2008 3:21pm Your Import Models sold 922,905,332 calendars, which made you $4,614,526,660.
May 19, 2008 5:09pm Your Import Models sold 921,026,486 calendars, which made you $4,605,132,430.
May 19, 2008 5:42pm Your Import Models sold 833,141,868 calendars, which made you $4,165,709,340.

May 19, 2008 6:05pm Your Import Models sold 1,060,610,457 calendars, which made you $5,303,052,285.
May 19, 2008 6:29pm Your Import Models sold 839,411,966 calendars, which made you $4,197,059,830.
May 19, 2008 6:56pm Your Import Models sold 1,168,753,040 calendars, which made you $5,843,765,200.
May 19, 2008 7:16pm Your Import Models sold 1,039,939,350 calendars, which made you $5,199,696,750.

May 19, 2008 7:36pm Your Import Models sold 962,752,785 calendars, which made you $4,813,763,925.

May 19, 2008 8:05pm Your Import Models sold 1,216,948,132 calendars, which made you $6,084,740,660.
You lost 4,226 disgruntled Import Models.
You\'ve also lost 1205 Crew Models.
It seems you have run out of calendars for them to sell!
You have 0 calendars remaining.

ive never sold over 1.2 billion...thats why i had 1.2 billion calendars. But to lose 1205cmz that is way overboard. ALL TIMES WERE WORKED 100% happyness and top half were 4198models and last half was 4220models

i dont see how it varies that much per work but i believe i had enough calendars if i never sold 1.2 billion and they were all 1k credits worked

you got screwed over big time. that should have been at most a 20%loss in cms
ill bring you hell

yea its retarded cause i lost like 2/3 my cmz...i had over i had like 2327/424 when this happened...if i lost 20% of my cmz i wouldnt even bring this up but how do you lose 1205 and cmz and when ive worked 12 times 30$ worth of credits and never sold over 1.16billion calendars and most of them lower...i would think there might be some justice? like i shouldve only lost 20% of the cmz which would be around 4xx not 1205

I highly doubt complaining about it is, is gonna fix it.

I've lost 1350 on one work two rounds ago on the last day.

Sucks, but it's how the game works..needs more calendars apparently.

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