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excuse me?

Turbo Shelby = biggest kiss ass in MC history. Every thread that Kevin posts, here he is kissin ass all the way to the top! Congrats buddy, your one of the reasons why people like Kevin have such big ego's.
Connor: Now Roc... are you sure that you're obee-kaybee?

CountryBoy Wrote:Turbo Shelby = biggest kiss ass in MC history. Every thread that Kevin posts, here he is kissin ass all the way to the top! Congrats buddy, your one of the reasons why people like Kevin have such big ego's.

God damn man, you really nailed him..but your right, Kevin really needs to get off his high horse. He says this is his last session, yeah we'll see about that. I personally could give sh1ts and giggles if he plays again or not, fact of the matter is, its a game Kevin. No one needs to run around like hyenas kissing your ass. I don't know your relationship with some of the older users, such as rom3o, but if rom3o was still around, I could gaurentee that he would take care of you being on your high stool. I'd take you down myself, but I will full out admit that I cannot compete with your spending addictions. Sorry buddy, I just don't match up with some of the network geeks.

i see ud rather flame everyone tyler and teet i agree w/ur posts if someone's high nw and not accepting ur personal races i could understand but when u ask me for a race and i tell u send then u HI me thats when i take it personally.

As you did tyler u hi'd me then asked for a race and i still was nice about it lol just bc i know thats u..

To doug seriously if u have a point to ur messages please explain all i see is u trying to be a big flamer...i posted this in the general game related tips and strategies section...bc it is a strategy to get a race from me...not to flaunt credits or wins or losses...i could care less about all this.

Im trying to help the general public but assholes like u are the reason that i usually don't help...Im not being arrogant or flaunting im just asking a simple question and if thats too much to ask of u guys and u feel it neccessary to flame or spam it...then guess what this forum is not for u.

you can ask lol i just hi who is on top and since it was you it was extra special lol ask lem i have taking shots at him and sexy and both are my friends so you aren't that special lol

Etter24 Wrote:you can ask lol i just hi who is on top and since it was you it was extra special lol ask lem i have taking shots at him and sexy and both are my friends so you aren't that special lol

tyler i expect u to HI me its always how its been between us Tongue its actually fun when u HI me bc u know ill hit back eventually

WiReD_________ Wrote:God damn man, you really nailed him..but your right, Kevin really needs to get off his high horse. He says this is his last session, yeah we'll see about that. I personally could give sh1ts and giggles if he plays again or not, fact of the matter is, its a game Kevin. No one needs to run around like hyenas kissing your ass. I don't know your relationship with some of the older users, such as rom3o, but if rom3o was still around, I could gaurentee that he would take care of you being on your high stool. I'd take you down myself, but I will full out admit that I cannot compete with your spending addictions. Sorry buddy, I just don't match up with some of the network geeks.

May i first say this nate...

I offered u a challenge last round...I would run a crew of nobody's vs ur crew of allstars and u wouldn't accept

Shit if i were to play again after this round i would make the same challenge w/out my debit card and i would still own u...why is that bc i know how to fucking play...Now if u wanna get off ur selfcenterd measly lil ass and do something about me... (rather im being elitist or just pointing to the facts) ur a no body ur a burner,cheater,liar and most of all a 2timing whore.

In fact u told some n00b just today that if he gave u credits i would race him u skeezy back-town slut...U have to beg for creds. U can go back and suck on ur moms nipple im tired of hearing ur 16y/o bitching. So u can just continue to eat shit and talk a big game but ur honestly a nobody


BTW nate accept the challenge or shut up

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