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excuse me?

Well im just gonna pose a question and u guys give me the answer

would u rather me have high nw and spread the exp wealth as im *trying to do right now*

or would u rather me just stay low nw and race a leveling partner...

the reason i ask is i have plenty of creds and i see it this way u all want races and im accepting but then u fools HI the hell outta me. I understand its part of the game im not complaining im just not seeing the point when it would be more beneficial to everyone involved it u sent a race to me and got 4-5 levels rather than HI me

bc as long as im getting HI'd not another 1k creds comes out for working purposes

fer sure krazyman i think you should keep having that high NW. Smile
In Game Name = Devil Z

ur not accepting, so the easiest way to get $$ and exp is to HI you...

fu88 Wrote:ur not accepting, so the easiest way to get $$ and exp is to HI you...

idk who u are or what ur talking about i accept 85% of races sent to me other 15% i decline bc they have hi'd me or bc i promise the race to someone else

and if u want a race to be accepted u would ahve to atleast ask first. There is a line.
[SIZE="5"]#1 most icons in game.[/SIZE] CoolWink:redface:Big Grin

I am retired ... long live SILENCE

[SIZE="5"]My Sluts

Pandera !!!!

[Image: laker.gif]
[Image: 49175.png] [Image: 49175-3199.gif]

Getting harassed? Have a cheat or bug to report? Have ideas to help the game. Feel free to contact me

jeremy brown says
im gay i like men

personally from my point of view it is a game and people really can do whatever they like with there creds if they want to hit you, then that is there progative like it is yours to decline when they challenge you, but i know if someone is umptean billion ahead of someone else i am going to hit them

that is all lol

Just play how YOU want to play, screw the forum's opinion. I don't really challenge high NW people because I know they are getting spammed, I know it takes longer but oh well. I respect you as a player Krazy, but at this point it seems like you're honestly just trying to flaunt your big wins and credits at everyone else with all these posts.

i'd rather HI you. you dont need exp to HI.

Id Rather just take your import models.... Wink

personally, I'd rather have your children

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