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The difference between Canada and U.S.

thebunneh Wrote:
banzaimf Wrote:...The distinguishing characteristic between Americans and Canadians is that Americans think that they're better than everyone else, and Canadians are better than that.

rofl oh really? dont you think that statement is a little hypocritical? or is that beyond your scope of intelligence?
It's a lot hypocritical. Is sarcasm is beyond your scope of intelligence?

perhaps it's a weee bit difficult to judge sarcasm especially from peoply i dont know.

ps remove the extra "is" i suppose grammar is beyond your scope of intelligence?

Grammar, generally fine. My editing skills can be a bit lacking at times.

In all seriousness about my original comment, often there is a disdain towards the American "we're better than everyone" attitude displayed by some/many (depending on how much you want to look for it). This is fought by citing negative points of American culture/society/ and lately, politics.

In the end, the attitude amongst some really does become a "we're better than you, 'cause you're so elitist".

How about this? Fuck you all cause I am the best, and if you don't like it blow me.
BJJ-Purple Belt
Resident Engineer, Geologist, Genius

PFFFT! whatever skokey im american so im automatically better than any canadian and most other cultures and societys as well /end sarcasm Big Grin

its all in good fun. i used to poke lots of fun at canadians for living in ingloos then I showed up in toronto and realized whoa! WHERE ARE THE IGLOOS!

generally im good spirited about most things

I believe the disdain you speak of is because we are proud of our country and most americans are patriotic to the core. take ed for example look at his signature hes crazy patriotic and he will stick up for anything and everything. The same goes for most canadians. they are damn proud of their country and accomplishments they have achieved. One being the healthcare system. They should be really proud of it and they are. When you get two societys who have prospered tremendously and then make them neighbors there is bound to be some type of "poking fun" and we are better than this because ...... I think you get my point. It's normal to have this.

im rambling

me > all

^nuff said? hrmm.. yes.. i think so..

<3 jered

hmm.. igloo? lmfao..

damn.. i dislike these forums so much >_>

*goes back to randall's forum
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

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