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thats why it sucks and i dont think its worth spending money for it either

I like the exp as it is...


When I Fall Asleep You're All That I See, I Wish I Could Be All That You Mean To Me, My Angel Without Wings Smile

Rakim I love you <3

eh the exp isn't that bad, just really tough mainly on the people that come in late. I can live with it though, don't want everyone thinkin I want everything changed.

For those that think that it isn't true lol, I wouldn't play if I didn't like the game Big Grin

I used to love coming in late... build a 12 second lvl 1 car and beat lvl 29 people offline O_o exp ching ching
When I Fall Asleep You're All That I See, I Wish I Could Be All That You Mean To Me, My Angel Without Wings Smile

Rakim I love you <3

i think rick has the best idea for the exp thing lol
[Image: club.gif]

calder12 Wrote:I still think the best solution would just be to modify the current system so that exp got progressively worse the further the person you race is away from your own level. so if you're 20 you still get best for racing another 20, a little worse for a 19 or 21 and so on. Getting 3 exp for racing that guy that was 20 ten minutes ago is frustrating I agree, and I also agree about being left behind. In the beginning I was hanging back when I could have upgraded waiting for a group of guys and got left behind. I don't blame anyone for it I was offline, but it has been much more difficult since and most of those guys are still together levelling twice for every one time I do.

agreed! i race my friend because i was getting a crapload of EXP from people close to me... so irace my friend (he is 1 less than me) i get 2 exp out of it and i won...

I have never seen so many people bitch and moan about a GAME!!!!

Get over it people its a game for fun!

I have been left behind soooo many times this round and last with people who "supposedly" said "yeah we'll level together". At soon as your supposed friends get a little ahead of in EXP all bets are off! Sure it pisses you off at first but it's just a game.

Im just a noob and my opionion means nothing! Just like to voice it!

I agree I have been left behind a couple of times too, it happens.

But you need to have a hope in hell of catching back up, or levelling at all if you're new midway in, that is why I feel it should be adjusted a bit. Not totally changed, just make it so you can still get even half decent exp racing those near your level

Reds_Apprentice Wrote:I have never seen so many people bitch and moan about a GAME!!!!

Get over it people its a game for fun!

I have been left behind soooo many times this round and last with people who "supposedly" said "yeah we'll level together". At soon as your supposed friends get a little ahead of in EXP all bets are off! Sure it pisses you off at first but it's just a game.

Im just a noob and my opionion means nothing! Just like to voice it!

Well I dont think its bitching exactly, We are just trying to improve the playing grounds for everyone, yes the main way we can do that is by pointing out the downsides to the current system

Whooooo Hooooooo!!!

I have been quoted in a response!!! Success at last! hehehehe

I understand what everyone is saying...it frustrates me when you find someone to level with and then they leave you behind, but i get over it.

It does make the game more challenging and you have to keep an eye on who your racing and the exp you gain.

Its all good fun!

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