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a lesson on going against zura

lol never do it unless u wanan buy credits. i did it with like 300 credits left.
i got a hit she hit me three times i then went and got some credits and hit her for fun and she would lower her net liek she was gonna hit me so i lowered mine and hit her again. we did this till i got her the fourth time which left me at 21 mil then she just went back up to 360 mil and left me there. dam she is smart she didn't have to do anything and i lost all my nw. zura this goes out to u good job i would have never thought of that that was crazy

rofl that's YOU?

geez mike, sorry sorry all those times i didnt know it was you >< sorry

haha thats funny

lol its cool no biggy i just wait till the morning when i got 2k credits and i get a few and work my way back up i be u there again someday lol plus down here i can mess with every one. i can take there stuff and they be like fuck u why u have to do that and i love it when they complain lol.

lol i honestly didnt know was you, sorry.

lol its cool lol no biggy but i won ehh. lol 4-3 lol we settle this later i also got two on rom3o and a few on some others when i wasn't on u. lol maybe i join ur crew if ya got room. lol

no edit button whats up

well this isn't bad for some one thats not trying all to hard lol.

12/15 6:25pm mSzura HI $2,931,603 [View]
12/15 6:23pm Takumi-Fujiwara HI $5,372,202 [View]
12/15 6:23pm Takumi-Fujiwara HI $5,374,684 [View]
12/15 6:22pm mSzura HI $7,741,266 [View]
12/15 6:20pm mSzura HI $4,740,706 [View]
12/15 6:03pm mSzura HI $21,043,348 [View]
12/15 3:43pm Battered HI $21,588,618 [View]
12/15 3:42pm Battered HI $24,884,336 [View]
12/15 3:42pm Battered HI $28,219,270 [View]
12/15 9:35am e_h_j_a__ExpMe HI $47,602,904 [View]
12/15 9:35am e_h_j_a__ExpMe HI $43,845,166 [View]
12/15 9:35am e_h_j_a__ExpMe HI $49,769,922 [View]
12/15 3:21am Sharp-e HI $28,241,438 [View]

I have 14 hits today as a non member O_o
When I Fall Asleep You're All That I See, I Wish I Could Be All That You Mean To Me, My Angel Without Wings Smile

Rakim I love you <3

shutup nubcake. nobody cares about you monte.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
if can, can... if no can, still can... if still no can, then no can

</3 Nate

<3 Nate's sister

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
When I Fall Asleep You're All That I See, I Wish I Could Be All That You Mean To Me, My Angel Without Wings Smile

Rakim I love you <3

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