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i know it was brought up before, but i think it sounded like a cool idea. someone should try to figure out how to plan this and give it a shot for one of the sessions coming up.

how bout this we get 4 guys who want to lead a crew next round, and 56 who want to race then the 4 get to pick from the 56, we would need an impartial third party to decide on pick order but it could work 1 through 4 pick then 4 through 1 and so on just like the hockey draft
First there was two sets of footprints in the sand Then there was one set of footprints in the sand When times get hard and shit hits the fan God don't walk with me, he carry me man

dam..that would be pretty koo..but who decides on the 56 and who decides on the leaders??

well really there are only so many good leaders we get 60 peopl to enter nminate a few and vote i guess or the impartial third part could decide
First there was two sets of footprints in the sand Then there was one set of footprints in the sand When times get hard and shit hits the fan God don't walk with me, he carry me man

mods huh....

i guess so cause how else willwe decide draft order if we had a vote guess we could go bye vote count
First there was two sets of footprints in the sand Then there was one set of footprints in the sand When times get hard and shit hits the fan God don't walk with me, he carry me man


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