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no its not, cause top net gets the PSP, IDE gets nothing but IDE next to there name.
[Image: 30.png]

dumbass i know you know hes not talkin about prizes. person with most friends gets nw, sits at top. get exp. drops nw and takes IDE. simple enough. and hes sayin racers deserve it more, and thats true.
Connor: Now Roc... are you sure that you're obee-kaybee?

joe why u got make post like this lolz

i think ide is how much u wanna get it and his taktik is smart higher nw yields more exp his nw was high enough so that hes get mroe exp from a los then we would for a win.

but i also gree with u joe that it should be left for race winners not top 10 race losers

not sure what i think

i think cubby did what he want and no1 can stop him
mecca :postwhore:

yea probbaly

has anyone stoped him yet NOPE
mecca :postwhore:

i no

creeeeepin up... very slowly.. but im creepin...
lol :grin:

Quote:i think cubby did what he want and no1 can stop him

it doesnt matter..cubby did the best way and thats the flaw in the exp system...so ide isnt real racing til ray actually fix's the exp system
All I need is One Mic.

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