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Stealing cars

i guess he's just the only person who has ever played this game who could achieve such an accomplishment with the talent he has with his lvl 1. i dont know anyone who has ever had 200 HIs with 600 attempts at lvl 1. you can claim whatever you want to claim , but hitting 1/3 tries from day 1 for 30 days id impossible. dandanger is by far the best Hier of all time and couldnt even do that.

questions hybrids credibility..ouch

*backs off and fors a circle to prepare for the fight*
Im a soldier, these shoulder's hold up so much, they won't budge,
ill never fall or fold up

hybrid use to be a great thief. he was a boost master , but hitting 1/3 attempts from day 1 to day 30ish is impossible with 200 hits.

hitting 1/7 i can believe , thats not impressive. i was hitting that at lvl 1 as well , but with a higher lvl and more attempts , im 1/3. im done with this argument.

DanDanger being the best HIer in the game? hmm, perhaps not... Theres too many factors in what determines whos the actual best, sure he may have the record for the most, but he probably spent a lot of money on credits, what about the guy who never spent any and had a great session?

lol , you obviously didnt play when this game first started. before EVERYONE had the same #s , before i wrote the mc bible , before just anyone could HI. i dont care who you are and what you have done , he was and always will be the best HIer in this game. he is the reason 90% of you people can HI today.

dont jump to conclusions, i started playing when you were stealing ideas from other people for the MC Bible, i've been playing a long ass time, don't guess my playing start just because of my opinion of Dan D. I was HIing before I knew of the guy.

lol ,stealing ideas for the MC Bible? everything i learned i learned from dan d.

im sorry that you have been HIn since before you knew the guy and still cant hit. check the mc bible for tips. Wink

teet, just because you're the one to put all that [censored] into one document doesn't mean you can spit out little comments like "maybe you should check the MC Bible for tips LOLROAOZ!" and yeah, maybe Dan did teach you everything YOU knew, that doesn't mean other people weren't learning for themselves, and helping others, everyone was getting into HIing at the begining in there own ways, i'll admit, the MC Bible helped a lot of people and Dan IS a good HIer, i never said he wasn't I just stated I give more credit to people who don't buy credits.
so stop trying to constantly bring up the fact you typed the MC Bible, i think people get the idea.

lol , i mentioned the mc bible once in 2 years since i "retired". :confused: constantly?

whats "LOLROAOZ" mean? :confused:

who do you think the best Hier of all time is?

1)no, you've mentioned it in other threads; your next response: show me the threads. me: no.
2)LOLWR@(#UR)(WJFSF is just me being cynical about internet slang.
3)I don't think there is a "best" HI'er, theres going to be guys who win the award, and there's also going to be guys who don't have that many, but still do a great job with 1000 credits a day. I play this game for fun only, I don't spend money on it, and I only have a regular account, I log on, looking for a prowler and throw in some random numbers, yeah, I have been playing for a long time and I still suck at HIing, meh. But there are guys with the same situation as me, but still get like 10 a day.

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