[SIZE=2]midnitechallenge anonymous trying to help those who have to get on to get off..
Anyone else having withdraws. Shakes, blurred vision, 24 hour PMS for the ladies who play.. I know it can be hard to deal with life after MC but were here to help.. lets talk about it.. Muhahahaha [/SIZE]
Just wondering when they going to reset the game, seems like the late reset has been happening every session lately.
I'm having MC withdrawal symptoms... anxiousness, extreme shaking, shortness of breath, lack of appetite, insomnia, bla bla bla, yadi yadi yadah... ok maybe not I'm just bored to death...
Any other games you can suggest to play in between sessions? or let's just talk our wits out on msn? Ron aka Lizard_King aka Robin's_B wheretf are you? get ur ass on msn! now! muahahaha!!
who ever screws people the most in one session and it should be a vote type deal if possible. Everyone gets a day to vote after the session ends in the forums and the icon can look like a little flame.
And if you get the top Burner icon it pretty much shows you cant be trusted