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How to fix bugged TnT cars |
Posted by: calder12 - 01-14-2006, 10:46 PM - Forum: Cars, Mods and Tuning
- Replies (5)
This is via LoveDontHate thanks man.
1. Get in a car that will tnt.
2. Make a tnt run.
3. Get in the bugged car.
4. Use the back button on your browser to return to the last tnt run.
5. Make a run.
The car is now fine and can be tnt'd as normal. I just tried this with my bugged s2k and voila fixed!
ok help please |
Posted by: UGA - 01-14-2006, 09:35 PM - Forum: General Game Discussion
- Replies (2)
I have been playing for a few years off and on and have some honest questions
How come some people race and race and have no problem getting cms, while others cant them to save a life?
How does free losses offline work, doesnt this make it hard to get cms?>
What is a good racer, online races only?
How did Mzura get 3000+ HIs last session but very few in camparison this session?
How do yall get past the hurdle of level 20ish, ive tried and tried to get past here, i want to earn a range rover damn it?
Thats about it I think
A quick note to the lower level players |
Posted by: calder12 - 01-14-2006, 07:11 PM - Forum: General Game Discussion
- Replies (21)
Don't take this the wrong way but...
You're first message to someone should NOT be "yo dude can I get a free car?"
Now we all know that cars in MC are relatively cheap to the higher level players. One working can buy easily 1000 s2k's even in the 20's. That isn't the point. The fact that it costs over a million dollars each isn't the point either.
I don't know you, neither do the other players you are asking. Would you walk up to someone on the street and ask for $100? Even if they were sitting in a Ferrari and $100 doesn't mean anything to them? Try getting to know people in game first, make friends and talk. But don't beg it's annoying. We got out cars by working for them, occasionally a friend will help us out if they level faster, but I can absolutely GUARANTEE the higher level guys in the game did not get there by begging for cars.
Don't be insulted by this just realize how you would feel if you got 10 requests a day for a free car from people that have never taken the time to even say hi before and won't even accept your challenges lol
haha.... |
Posted by: ak_2oo5 - 01-14-2006, 09:54 AM - Forum: General Game Discussion
- Replies (3)
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1/14 4:29am Sirhuckalot HI $0 [View]
1/14 4:29am Sirhuckalot HI $0 [View]
and they didnt even take $1
Posted by: calder12 - 01-13-2006, 06:28 PM - Forum: General Game Discussion
- Replies (6)
We have been through this before we aren't gonna do it every day!
NO "I am level x race me" threads, this is the only warning I am giving, any more and I will delete them without warning, do it a second time and I'll ban you without warning![/b]
help me out pleez |
Posted by: bLliNk - 01-13-2006, 06:16 PM - Forum: General Game Discussion
- No Replies
is there anione out there that is LVL 9 and has got a high net, we could make a group of 4 or 5 and c if we can make it to lvl 35, i am online a fair bit
pleez help me out!!!