You currently have 302 Crew Import Models working for you.
And I don't belong to a crew. Too bad the game isn't giving me any of that money
Your Import Models sold 964 calendars, which made you $4,820.
Your Crew Import Models made you an additional $28,620.
You lost 16 disgruntled Import Models.
It seems you have run out of calendars for them to sell!
You have 0 calendars remaining.
So I was sitting here, and I get a message in my inbox saying....
"From: street_king Date: Nov 30, 07 - 03:06PM Delete Reply
this is streetking. do u know how to get credits from others?"
Well, I think it would be sorta fun to have another aspect to the game. Have like a gambling thing like BW forums had. I think he had something like that atleast.
So if we had like a slot machine, and you get like 2-3 rolls each round.
And the prizes, are various things, such as maybe free credits in game, or membership, or something unique like that.
Its just an idea to play around with, but it could add a little fun.
Play around with it, im open for put downs here about this thread lol