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Why does 2x Experience Suck? Here is your answer. |
Posted by: calder12 - 05-16-2009, 05:29 AM - Forum: General Game Discussion
- Replies (29)
This crew has not had the bonus AT ALL. Not for a single race. And yet they have the balls to stay in it, they haven't pussied out and pulled their crew car, they haven't quit racing, they refuse to give up...
Right now I'm wishing I had it in me to disband my crew and tip my hat to the crew with way more guts than anything I've seen in this game in a long time.
Hats off to CJ and his crew, this isn't the first time I've seen him do this and I'm sure it won't be the last. This is what a true competitor looks like and his only downfall is he doesn't throw shitloads of money at the game to take and keep the lead.
Current members of [OAKT] MC_U_N_D_A_D_A_W_G_S
Driver name Net Worth Import Models
cjw_RIP_lil_Rich $3,571,867,753 2,742
car_whore $2,854,210,106 1,686
SKDFIRO_NZL $3,789,886,097 2,008
Unbeatable $6,819,707,117 3,608
RoaDRuNNeRz_____ $2,978,566,462 2,384
lx_ $1,691,013,752 1,800
Crew Car: Renault R5 Turbo
Sponsorship Rating: 20.45%
Wins / Losses: 58 / 6
Crew Models[/COLOR]
[FF] Digital_Magic 6,331
[BYE] calder 6,132
[OAKT] Unbeatable 5,435
[OAKT] lx_ 5,373
[OAKT] car_whore 5,313
[FF] sharp-e 5,310
[FF] Hugs_ox_Kisses 5,267
[BYE] filty-d-bag 5,055
[BYE] tri-Andrew 4,961
Races Won
[BYE] calder 11324
[FF] Digital_Magic 10576
[FF] sharp-e 9836
[OAKT] lx_ 9553
[OAKT] Unbeatable 9414
[FF] T_U_R_K________ 9084
[OAKT] car_whore 9062
[FF] Hugs_ox_Kisses 8919
[BYE] DYNA____________ 8610
Halo3 |
Posted by: Ataxic - 05-15-2009, 03:15 PM - Forum: Computer/Console Gaming
- Replies (3)
OK I play this probably far more than I should ... anyone else play this on xbox live? If so what are ya gamer tags ... Get an MC party cranking ha!
Wrong Final Game Stats |
Posted by: bubye - 05-15-2009, 10:05 AM - Forum: Bugs and Support
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There is same final stat on this two session:
Game Period Dec 07 - Dec 22, 2008
Game Period Nov 09 - Dec 05, 2008
Crew Jobs |
Posted by: calder12 - 05-15-2009, 06:42 AM - Forum: Game Idea's and Suggestions
- Replies (19)
Okay I touched on this in the Crew Structure thread but I wanted to expand on the idea.
Anyone that has facebook can check out Mafia Wars to see the basic premise. The idea is to have actual jobs for each person in the crew. The crew leader would be able to set these jobs on the crew page and change them as necessary.
The jobs would give the entire crew a bonus for different things in game. Now only Cres could say how difficult this would be to implement, it IS possible, but given I have no idea what his code looks like it could be hard or easy only he can answer.
I don't want to see the leaders in each category give the bonus, that would just make it the same as the current 2x experience which I think everyone agrees we don't like, but rather based on specific levels in the game.
Crew Hitter
This job would be based on the Hitters attempts/hits. Now I am not sure really what practical numbers are here so I'll just throw out numbers as examples.
2% success rate - entire crew receives a 5% bonus on attempted hits
3% success rate - entire crew receives a 7% bonus on attempted hits
5% success rate - entire crew receives a 10% bonus on attempted hits
The Crew Hitter would also be allowed to target other crews to hit their CBR and CM's. ONLY the Crew Hitter would have this option. The success should be based on CBR of the two crews and it should be very close, ie you can only hit crews that you are within 3x of their CBR. This would stop helper crews from hitting top crews in a battle.
Crew Mechanic
This job would have access to the crew car for rebuilds and setting race ready or not. It would also affect how difficult TnT and Dyno are for the rest of the crew. This one I am not so sure about but I assume it can be done.
3 different cars built and tuned perfectly - entire crew receives a 10% bonus on how close their TnT and Dyno start on new cars.
5 different cars built and tuned perfectly - entire crew receives a 20% bonus on how close their TnT and Dyno start on new cars.
10 different cars built and tuned perfectly - entire crew receives a 30% bonus on how close their TnT and Dyno start on new cars.
By different I mean actual different models, not 10 GTI's.
Essentially what this means is that when a crew member builds a car their TnT and Dyno numbers will start closer to the perfect numbers based on their mechanics built cars total. The main benefit of this job is to allow a second person access to the crew car. By tuned perfectly I also mean the maximum handling and HP for that car at the Mechanics level.
Crew Racer
This job would go to your most enthusiastic racer. It would affect overall experience for the crew.
1,000 races won - entire crew receives a 10% experience bonus
5,000 races won - entire crew receives a 20% experience bonus
10,000 races won - entire crew receives a 40% experience bonus
10,000 races won with a 95% or better ratio- entire crew receives a 50% experience bonus
This job would apply to all crews, this would also mean removing the current 2x experience bonus.
Crew Public Relations Officer
This job would be based on the persons CM's and CM ratio. It would affect the crews ability to get CM's and IM's.
1,000 CM's with a 90% or better ratio - entire crew receives 5% better chance to acquire a CM and a 10% IM bonus when cruising.
3,000 CM's with a 90% or better ratio - entire crew receives 10% better chance to acquire a CM and a 20% IM bonus when cruising.
5,000 CM's with a 90% or better ratio - entire crew receives 20% better chance to acquire a CM and a 30% IM bonus when cruising.
9,000 CM's with a 95% or better ratio - entire crew receives 50% better chance to acquire a CM and a 50% IM bonus when cruising.
Crew Finance Manager
This job would affect the overall working ability of the crew, both personal and CBR wise.
1,000 CM's, level 10, minimum 90% ratio - entire crew receives a 5% bonus on work and CBR funds
3,000 CM's, level 20, minimum 90% ratio - entire crew receives a 10% bonus on work and CBR funds
5,000 CM's, level 30, minimum 90% ratio - entire crew receives a 15% bonus on work and CBR funds
8,000 CM's, level 50, minimum 95% ratio - entire crew receives a 25% bonus on work and CBR funds
ALL jobs require a minimum of level 10.
That's all I can think of at the moment, I suppose it isn't necessary for all 6 people in the crew to have a specific job but it would be nice. So if you can think of others please post up.
The idea here is to give crews more of a purpose, rather than everyone doing the same things each crew would have to have people work on specific aspects of the game to improve the overall crew.
ok.... |
Posted by: shadow67 - 05-15-2009, 01:46 AM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (14)
sooooo out of nowhere I was playin my 360 and I got a tingly feeling ... this tingly feeling told me to come check out MC... and check out forums...
what MC's former #1 post whore found was sorely disappointing... only a handful of active threads this month?!!!
terrible... Im tempted to come liven this place up a bit...
anyways... ummm... what do you do around here anymore? I seem to have forgotten everything